Change Log🪵
If you encounter any bugs, please reach out to me at, and I can help you. You can also contact me on the discord, a link is in the settings page.
Notice any translation errors? Let me know and I'll be happy to correct them!
624 - Future: Internal / Beta only
About 80% of the code has been touched, so keep an eye out for bugs.
Seriously, if something seems wrong, it probably is. Ping me.
UI adjusted.
The button that previously opened the endless mode now opens up a new UI screen.
This gives me more room to add more buttons.
An indicator to show how many upgrade points you need to unlock the boss has been added to this screen.
New Mode Added
All players help to drain a health bar, by destroying balls.
Participants get a reward
3 New currencies added.
The tower points take a constant damage, so do as much damage as fast as your can.
Reworked buttons
Most buttons that have a lot of levels have a long press.
Added a graphical effect to indicate long press time.
After 5 seconds of long press, the button attempts to buy an increasing amount, or as much as possible, based on a checkbox in settings.
Reworked the buttons that consume upgrade points.
When you select a an amount to buy from the dropdown, it will increase the buy amount automatically after a while.
It works a lot smoother than before, hopefully you find yourself needing to change buy amounts less.
If you still hate it, try checking the buy max checkbox in settings.
Added a new number format checkbox in settings.
I prefer this format to be honest, numbers take up less space, and it's more clear which numbers are larger.
Added a checkbox in settings to buy the max amount you can afford when a long press is fully charges vs an buying an increasing amount.
When long pressing the gold upgrades, it will attempt to buy all the gold levels at once if it can.
The gold upgrades cost is now a geometric cost.
It will be much easier in the beginning to get damage going.
Bugs Fixed:
Magnets should no longer disable the gun chance to turn balls into a gem ball
Tons of refactoring
Bugs Fixed:
If you had a default save file selected and updated to 608, your save was broken.
If a bomb did 5x earnings, this wasn't reflected in the value that appeared on the screen after the ball died.
Adjustments to the formulas for buying the perm gold upgrade
Increased the base max level for the perm gold upgrade
Bugs Fixed:
Players did not get the gem refund from v606.
Show tower range now only shows the range of the last tower you clicked on.
More code cleanup.
Added a checkbox in settings to automatically leave endless mode when you lose
Minor UI Tweaks
Adding question mark buttons that point out what it's intended to do.
You can disable this in settings.
Reduced cost for more shard reward gem upgrade
You'll get your spent gems back for this one.
Reverted the way the perm gold update is shown
Buying a level will show the entire level, not just the rounded number
Increased a few max levels of gem upgrades
Mostly on tier 4, but there's a few earlier ones
There's now buttons to press to get upgrades, so it's easier to scroll and not accidently make purchases.
Bugs Fixed:
The cost for the perm gold upgrades was calculated incorrectly.
When you are past level 1 million for the perm gold upgrades, it now shows 4 decimal places instead of 2.
All levels with tower spots that I felt were too high were lowered slightly
All of them on tier 2.
Rewrote the Perm Gold Damage upgrade to fix a bunch of issues
It wasn't charging the right amount
It was letting you spend money by pressing it, even after reaching max level.
Probably other stuff I didn't notice.
Adjusted how many prestige points you need to get a tier boss button to appear
If you already have the button unlocked, this won't change it for you.
Tier 1 : 1 Million -> 1 Million
Tier 2 : 10 Million -> 50 Million
Tier 3 : 100 Million -> 1 Billion
Adjusted the average earnings to be more accurate.
It's average earnings per second, not hour. No idea why I got that in my head.
The Gem ad will now update how many gems it gives while the window is open.
I don't know why, but it not doing this just really bothered me.
Increased how many gems the gem ad gives
Separating the shard shard daily reward from the normal endless rewards
Electric gem upgrade buffed
The max level will increase based on the unlocked tier
The amount of gems earned is increased from 3 to 5
Bugs Fixed:
Tier 4 level 6 ball value was messed up.
Tower costs for endless mode weren't increasing correctly.
Buying the perm gold upgrade for a tower sometimes gave an extra level by accident, especially if the button was being held.
Added black bars on the dark and gem upgrades to indicate the safe area to scroll.
Changed the tower unlock upgrades to not buy it until it's actually clicked.
Added a new screen to show the endless mode leaderboard on the main game.
Endless mode leaderboard now also shows the shard reward for your current rank.
Minor tweaks to code and UI.
More tweaking for gem ad rewards
Code cleanup
Adjusted IAP gem amounts to increase earlier
Increased gem reward for ads.
I'll keep tweaking this until I find a place where I think it's fair.
Added a new endless upgrade
A ton of code cleanup and refactoring
Removing redundant logic, and simplified a few things.
I'm going to add some new shard upgrades soon, this was just cleanup for that.
Adjusted some prefabs to get rid of annoying text flickers
The max gold damage text on high levels was really annoying
You can now long press the dark powerup upgrades
When starting endless mode, you are immediately added to a ladder when you press begin.
Bugs Fixed:
The demo of the tower when click on a tower icon was all kinds of messed up. I tried to fix it up a bit.
Fixed an issue where you couldn't build towers on a boss level, if you had maxed your tower build in the regular game.
Gem powerup purchases increase faster when you hold the button down
If you register on the discord, you'll get 5 free endless mode shards. Info on how to sign up will be added to reddit.
When destroying a tower, there's an option to destroy all the towers in the level
The gems in the gem shop now scale to the lifetime gem earnings.
In endless mode, the rewards shown in the rewards screen now scale with the upgrade for this reward that can be purchased in gem upgrades.
Purchasing a gem pack of 30k or higher also increases the gem vault times purchased.
This also applies to no-ads & pro pack.
The gem ad no longer has a cap, and scales with your lifetime gems earnings.
Cost for gem upgrade that gives bonus endless shards has been increased.
Added a gem upgrade to increase the shard reward.
Bugs Fixed:
Oof man... Fixed issue where you could buy gem upgrades past their limit
The gem ad max has been raised from 10k to 50k
Max Gold Permanent increase max level increased in tier 4 from 500 billion to 5 trillion.
Gem upgrades now have a long press
Tower prestige upgrades now have a long press
Bugs Fixed:
Adding a tower to the boss mode increased the tower cost in the regular mode
This also caused a weird price issue with rebuilding towers
The green bar showing the permanent gold upgrade damage stopped working correctly after the level got too high.
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed an issue with the electric tower giving the incorrect amount of gems when it destroys a ball.
Tweaked some stuff on endless mode.
You should see where you are ranked if you let the mode go to completion
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed an issue where completing the tier 3 boss didn't complete the level.
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed an issue where doing a prestige reset doesn't trigger correctly.
Bugs Fixed:
You could build more towers than your max towers in the boss modes
Levels will no longer spawn balls if the max ball limit is reached
Previously, only the first level didn't spawn balls, the idea was that eventually the ball count would go down.
Adjusted magnets so balls don't randomly drop.
I think this was causing some physics lag.
Added a way to quickly rebuild towers
The previous tower will be reset when you do a reset prestige.
The information panel now includes avg gold per hour
The information panel now updates stats every 2 seconds.
Bugs Fixed:
New players weren't cloud saving correctly.
Adding another check to not show the login button, if an account is connected.
Bugs Fixed:
Tower target priorities weren't being saved
Bugs Fixed:
Gem counter was like way off.
Bugs Fixed:
Numerous issues with endless mode were fixed
Added changelog to settings
Updating numerous packages to the latest version.
Added ability to submit name change requests in settings
Tier 4 added
Added new gem upgrades
Saw Tower
Bomb Tower
Gun Tower
Tons of code cleanup and refactoring, please report bugs
Performance improvements
Simplified level geometry from polygons to basic shapes
I forgot to move tower points using the rigidbody
Bomb tower prestige damage max level increased (Prestige reset required)
Shrink Ray double damage upgrade max level increased.
Shrink Ray prestige damage max level increased (Prestige reset required)
Updating numerous packages to the latest version.
Some code cleanup
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed restore purchases button not working correctly for Android
Bugs Fixed:
Minor fixes for IAP not loading correctly
Some exploits fixed (Thanks, Flowing Rivers!)
Bugs Fixed:
(iOS) Fix for notification popup showing up more than once.
Bugs Fixed:
If a player exited endless mode, there was a scenario where their score wouldn't be submitted.
Endless mode testing
Will be partially down for testing.
Increased limits for most tier 3 upgrades
Updated unity.
Adding the ability to receive giveaways from discord.
Adding options to delete account data
Updating some third party assets
Updating Unity to LTS 2022
Adding a new module to trigger updates from the app (Android Only)
Bugs Fixed:
Saw towers will stop working after a few seconds in endless mode.
Adding link in settings to the subreddit
Added a notice about default cloud saves
Migrating cloud saves back to the old system, the new system just isn't working
Changes to how IAP works, trying to fix some iOS issues
Removing Facebook SDK
Updates to third party libraries
Update to unity
Bugs Fixed:
Minor fixes around changing tiers
Fixed an issue where having a magnet on level 1 would cause balls to fly around in the background
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed a bug where having a poor internet connection would cause all tower damage to be 0 (online is never required)
Fixed a bug where changing tiers would delete existing towers, requiring a prestige.
Modified the behavior of cloud saves to reduce server costs. (Users shouldn't notice any changes)
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed some sprites looking distorted
Additional bug fixes
There's a known issue with the ball count slowly drifting upwards, causing balls to not spawn. A workaround is to clear balls in settings until I can figure this out.
More performance tweaks
Bug fixes
Tier 2 boss hp increased
Minor performance tweaks
Tier 3 added
New boss added
10 new levels added
Updating to Android 13
Removed the dark power chance display from Magnet, Shrink Ray, and Saw, as they didn't make sense with the way they behaved
Boss tower points now show their health, just like endless mode
Changed "Current Balls" text to "Active Balls"
Bugs Fixed:
All time high stats weren't showing up in the leaderboard
Added new leaderboards in the stats menu.
Starting fresh, the new leaderboards have a much higher number limit
Cheaters will be prevented from uploading new scores, and will probably have their scores deleted if they are crazy enough
Bugs Fixed:
French translation cut off on one window
Sometimes, players will lose all their towers when they start the game. I put in what I think is a fix. If this continues to occur, please open a support ticket in settings.
Referral Codes
Once a day, you can enter a referral code that you haven't entered before for a reward!
Every time someone else enters your code, you get a reward!
Adding some logging around some bugs to help troubleshoot
Fixing some bugs
There's a known bug where the game crashes if the game was tabbed out for more than 30 minutes. This is a Unity bug, I've submitted a bug.
Fixing a bunch of behind the scenes bugs discovered from Crashlytics
Minor tweaks to the tutorial
Max FPS now caps at 60fps, unchecked is now set to 30fps
The FPS counter in the performance page is more accurate now.
Bugs Fixed:
If you change devices, the account creation should become enabled again.
Adjusted the endless mode spawn areas to allow less idle balls to exist outside the screen.
Added Crashlytics to Firebase.
I'm attempting to debug some crashes that I haven't been able to pin down.
Bugs Fixed:
Prestige will reset the towers on both tier one and two.
Minor tweaks to some code.
Added some sales
When you max a dark power / gem powerup, the gem cost won't appear.
Gun tower dark power increased
Shrink ray dark power increased.
Bugs Fixed:
Opening a tower UI doesn't reset the target priority.
Removing a third party library that was causing bugs.
The multiple releases lately was me attempting to fix this.
Please do a Prestige Reset to get access to all the changes.
Updating Unity to 2020.3.33f1
Updating 3rd party SDKs
Update to Android 12
Ball count now persist when you quit the game and restart.
Ladder updates more often for the client.
Bronze Tier
Ball health lowered
Bugs Fixed
A major bug was found that accidently doubled the power of all towers.
A lot of changes are trying to mitigate the damage loss from this bug fix.
Upgrade points now increase their cost by 30 instead of 40.
This means you'll earn prestige points faster
All tower damage gold upgrades have been increased
All prestige point damage amounts have been increased.
Gem Powerup "Increase Damage Upgrade" has been increased by .1 per level to .2
Level 3 gold increased from 25 gold to 30
Shard upgrade changes
Old shard upgrade removed (Increase All Towers Damage Upgrade Limit)
New shard upgrade (Gold Damage +0.1)
Removing auto click for dark power / gem upgrades.
Too many players were accidently clicking on upgrades when trying to scroll.
Bugs Fixed
Towers not being built in the boss mode if the cost for towers in tier 1 was too high
Tournament Redesign
Tournaments have brackets, so more people have the opportunity to win
30 people per bracket
10 are promoted, 10 are demoted
Finished the conversion to textmeshpro
Allows me to remove some unneeded fonts, reducing the file size by 30mb.
Reduced some texture sizes
Reduced some sound quality
Removed the shard gem upgrade
If you already bought some, it will continue to work in the background
Bugs Fixed:
% money increase wasn't working on tier 1
Minor bug fixes around the tournament
Fixing missing characters
Adding loading images to show when data is being loaded.
Increased tournament ball spawn rate speed.
Refactoring code.
Optimizations around text strings
Starting/Leaving a boss fight or changing tiers no longer requires a prestige.
Challenge yourself and other players by competing on the ladder
Ladder resets every Saturday and Tuesday at UTC0 at midnight
Earn a new currency to get even more powerups!
Multiple Tiers of increasing difficulty and reward
Minor bug fixes
Removed button sound
Removing Appsflyer
Adding Firebase (again...)
Small bug fixes
Slight performance increase when a lot of towers are shooting
Fixed a rare bug where changing tiers would cause errors.
Removed some unused code.
391: Released
Fix for holiday option in settings not showing up.
388: Released
Increasing limits for some late game upgrades.
Bugs Fixed:
Preview camera was broken
Refactor of logging to reduce the amount of calls to playfab.
Auto-save time increased from every 4 minutes to 5 minutes (reducing playfab calls again)
Adding links to other games
Better texture compression for Android
Removing unity analytics
Adding a tool called appsflyer that will let me track the effectiveness of ads I run
Gem counter moved to the top
Sound effects added
Minor tweaks to physics engine.
New item in the shop!
Bugs Fixed:
Fix for missing texture in boss battle
Fix for sound issue on start if volume is muted
Fix for rare issue that could cause the gem vault to give negative gems
Attempting to update to Unity 2020 again.
Removing Firebase as I'm not using it anymore.
Removing price from boss fight tower points
Changing between tier levels now brings up a prompt first
Fix for rare issue where gem count would be a negative number on the UI
Updating other assets
Improved compression for sprites, shrinking the app size.
Might slightly improve performance under some circumstances
Cleaning up unused assets
Saw towers will no longer split balls if the max balls is reached
Code synchronization with desktop release
Gold upgrade have been increased
Gold upgrade buy speed has been increased
Upgrade point damage multiplier has been increased post boss battle
Minor performance improvements
Gems per minute can be found in the information panel
Bugs Fixed:
Ball count in performance settings was being cut off on some resolutions
Bug Fixes:
Fix where creating an email/password would cause the no-ads purchase to disappear.
Logging some new metrics to show on the desktop tower stats.
Better error logging to diagnose issues in the future.
Bug Fixes:
Fix for towers not firing on boss battle
Adding 50% damage IAP for desktop, make sure you sync any purchases with mobile first!
Bug Fixes:
Fix for Japanese text not being correct in some places
Initial work starting on sharing the no-ads purchase across devices
Cross platform promo codes added (Still need localization)
Starting gems increased from 5k to 10k
You now start the game with 25 upgrade points
Cloud Saves:
Users are now connected to Playfab
Create an account to have your saves across all platforms.
3 save slots available.
Select a default save to load on start.
You can delete saves.
Google Play Games no longer will automatically log in on start, unless you press the leaderboard or achievement buttons.
Boss Fight:
There is now a start button to begin, allowing time to place towers.
Boss health reduced to 1.5T.
The back/escape button now brings up an exit prompt.
Particle effects have changed to allow for better culling (performance related)
Bug Fixes:
Fix for permanent gold buying two levels at once.
Buy speed will increase after 5 seconds of pressing.
Fix for some Korean text not showing up on tablets.
Fix for coin cost not showing up with some languages
Bug Fixes:
Fix for crash for Android 10 and some Android 9 devices.
Bug Fixes:
Fix for electric tower shots sometimes stacking on a single ball
More room for upgrade panel, so less scrolling
Dark power and gem power now have a longpress, hold to upgrade.
Acid damaged balls now turn green if the particle effects are turned off
60fps checkbox is now max fps, the maximum fps the device can support.
If you have more than 1 million upgrade points a boss fight will be unlocked
I think I have all the major issues resolved, please reach out to me if you encounter issues.
New levels available after beating the boss level
Some balancing will need to happen for sure.
Localization is NOT yet done for the new features, I'll get those done as soon as I get the text finalized.
Long press added for dark powerup, gem powerup, perm gold powerup.
If you hold gold press for longer than 5 seconds, the buy speed increases.
Each tower now has their own default target priority to allow for more target customization.
252: Reset is required to see new upgrade limits
Bug Fixes:
Default targeting in the info panel now have the correct text and localization
Permanent gold upgrade limit doubled from 1000 to 2000
Tower Upgrade Damage limit levels increased from 150 to 200
Gem bonus damage level increased from 5 to 10
Bug Fixes:
Created a fix for a rare issue that would cause towers to stop behaving correctly (A reset will now repair it)
Fix for German appearing as the selected language if you had English set and vice versa.
Minimum ball size increased (Trying to reduce lag from the magnets)
All the levels have had their bottom tower points adjusted a bit to compensate.
Minor performance improvements
Bug Fixes:
Fixed an issue where the upgrade point purchases appeared to not work after a reset.
Fixed and issue with gem upgrades sometimes going into the negatives after a purchase.
Unity IAP updated to latest version
Redesigned level 10 to reduce slowdown.
Added a Facebook share button for a small reward on the welcome back screen.
Increased max gold damage upgrade level from 750 to 1000.
Increase max gem damage from 100 to 150.
Added a new IAP in the gem screen, "The Vault." You can accumulate gems there to unlock with a purchase.
Bug Fixes:
The "Get pending upgrade points" light powerup now adds the pending prestige points to the records properly.
Reset no longer resetting the total towers ever built for achievement tracking.
A new toggle has been added to the info panel to show tower ranges.
The information panel has been redesigned to show more information.
A new button has been added to the information panel to set the default tower target.
Support for Russian language added.
The gold required for the next upgrade point should permanently be on the next line now.
Increasing the Gems per minute gem upgrade to 10 per minute.
Adding Facebook SDK for tracking the effectiveness of facebook ads.
Added the consent page as opt-in as always.
Bug Fixes:
Fix for balls damaged by magnets shrinking past the size limit.
Experimenting with caching ball health, if it works, it will reduce the performance impact of ball health over time. I'll roll back if it becomes a problem.
"Show holiday" button is hidden if no holiday events are active.
Gems per minute gem upgrade increased from 5 to 8. (This is a moving target as usual, I will see how this works and adjust again as needed.)
Shrink ray dark power cooldown reduced from 2 second to .5. (Trying to keep the shrink ray viable in the late game.)
Adding a "Restore Purchase" button for Android to allow users to get their no-ads back if it's lost.
Bug Fixes:
More work trying to stop shrink ray from targeting a newly spawned ball
Fix for cloud save not working for new players.
221: You must reset to see the new content
Level 10 (Reset required to see)
New gem upgrades (Reset required to see)
Offline Gems!
Gems give a % damage increase (1% per 100k)
Most gem upgrade limits increased (Reset required to see)
Upgrade buy amount 100 & 500 added
Upgrade "Tower Damage" max increased from x41 to x51.
All other prestige upgrade damage limits increased.
Balls now have a black outline
Permanent gold upgrade limit increase to 375%
Cloud save now only saves the local game to the cloud if the local total playtime is greater than the clouds total playtime
The Gem Upgrade "Balls killed by lightning giving gems" has been increase from 5% to 10% and the gem amount has been increased to 3 from 2.
Electric tower behavior has been changed, shots should move to the next target if the current target is destroyed before it reaches it. Previously it was being destroyed.
Bug fixes
Fix for double ad damage not coming back when you re-enter the game
More work on the ball count, should be accurate now (completely re-done)
Some changes to how the reset is done to hopefully improve stability.
Change to the rendering pipeline that should improve performance for older devices.
Work started on level 10 (not ready yet)
Game no longer pauses when you bring something on top of it on the screen
Performance improvements.
Working on ball count
Keep alive checkbox added to performance screen
Active ball count added to performance screen
Lightning gem upgrade now gives 2 gems
Bug fixes
Fix for tower damage sometimes being much lower than expected. (Related to the upgrade all damage gem upgrade)
The damage bonus ad no longer loses it's time when you quit the game.
Fix for Italian language changing to Chinese (Simplified) on start.
Ads combined into single panel.
Ability to tweak performance settings to the player liking.
Notification if the framerate drops below 20fps to adjust performance
This notification can be disabled.
New Panel with gem upgrades (Permanent upgrades, some add interesting effects)
This is for late game players with gems to spend
Max permanent coin upgrade raised again from 400 to 500.
Adjusting the ball count on each level, should be more accurate
Code refactoring
Performance improvements
Polish language added
Bug fixes
Permanent coin damage upgrade was not accurate (showed .05 when it was .5)
Upgrade costs weren't showing up with the Japanese font.
A bunch of other fixes here and there.
More work to try and prevent offline time from not being counted.
Tweaking the import and export to be less annoying during debugging
Added an option to force the update of text strings (normally happens during an app update or once a week)
More work to try and prevent laser towers from shooting at the same ball after it's been destroyed
Chinese Simplified has been added.
Magnet and Saw tower dark power has been redone. Each level now reduces it's cooldown timer by 4.5% instead of one second. This makes the early purchases more valuable, since it will decrease the timer by more.
Language no longer defaults to English for new players. It will default to the device language if the app supports it.
Updating unity to the latest ltl release (2019.4.17f1)
Updating Firebase
Electric tower dark power now shoots a single shot that grows by a multiplier per hit (.0015 up to .15 more damage per bounce)
Removing some dead code.
Bug Fix:
Some users are having a crash on start issue with a Pixel A3. It should be fixed now, but you are still experiencing crashes, contact me.
Changing up the logging, still not catching the errors I should.
Magnet dark power no longer stacks with acid damage (sorry, too op).
Fix for Import/Export debugging issue.
Changing the physics on balls when performance mode is on. Will be less accurate, but less cpu time.
Version mismatch reset not required and has been disabled for this release.
Level 9 (Still might need some balancing)
You will have to do an in-game reset for this level to appear.
Added a new screen to export/import save files, get logs.
This will help me out a lot with debugging.
Based on the last release, added some additional Firebase crash log reports so I can hunt some some more bugs.
Get pending upgrade points light powerup now resets the cost for upgrade points as well.
Some more work to try and fix offline time sometimes not working.
Bug Fix:
Fix for a scenario in which the game could crash on start (Firebase was failing to load, holding up the main thread).
Fix for the No Ads purchase sometimes not being enabled (Current workaround is just to close and re-open the game.
New level select option.
Adjustments to the ball shrinking formula and the size of split balls by the saw.
Changed the performance mode to keep 60fps. (I may turn some particle effects back on, 90% of the performance saving is from not showing the ball health on the balls.)
A lot of logging added.
There's a lot of non-crashing errors being collected by Firebase, I'm trying to isolate the causes, so I've added logging checks.
Also, thanks to all who allow firebase tracking, it helps out a ton in tracking down bugs.
Bug Fixes:
Fix for balls sometimes spawning already damaged from the previous level.
Fix for balls sometimes being spawned already shrunk.
Fix for a rare case where the ball can spawn with acid damage.
Unity IAP had some bugs with their systems that was causing random crashes on load.
Added more to the tutorial to prevent people from going off script.
Version mismatch reset will be required. (Upgrade points coin increase will not work if you dont.)
Tutorial Added
Shouldn't appear for current players
Tutorial can be restarted in the setting panel (requires reset)
Info panels added for turrets in dark powerups and inside coin upgrade panels.
I'll add this to other places soon.
Version mismatch reset gems has been increased to 7k gems. (This should cover you if you spent gems on powerups)
The formula for how balls shrink has changed from radius to area (Thanks Maggie!)
The starting size for balls is smaller (1.5in to 1.3in)
The ball growth between levels has been changed from 5% to 2%
Levels have been adjusted (Less space for balls at the bottom to fall through, new ball calculation means smaller balls can still have a considerable amount of health left)
Fix for holiday checkbox getting reset on a reset.
Bug Fixes
Fix for shrink rays shooting off the screen sometimes.
Fix for upgrade points coin increase per level not calculating correctly if you bought it bulk vs one at a time.
Even more optimization.
Version mismatch reset not required and has been disabled for this release.
Adding confirmation panels for the prestige and reset options.
Some text highlighting .
Performance mode will now adjust the fps without having to restart the app.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a rare bug that could cause balls to be destroyed instead of sent back to the object pool, throwing a non-crashing exception.
Fixed acid sometimes trying to damage a deactivated ball, throwing a non-crashing exception.
Broken consent round 2.
Consent wasn't tagged as serializable, and therefore wasn't being uploaded to the cloud save.
Reset requirement has been disabled, this is a minor fix.
Rebuilt consent to not be spammed over and over.
Updating unity & assets to latest versions (If you want the full list, contact me using email)
Added a notification for offline more than 24 hours
Prices for gems in the shop should now be localized
You can now select some towers to target based on criteria
Criteria is reset on a reset or prestige.
Towers without a range won't show the option to change criteria
Closest, Farthest, Highest HP, Lowest HP
Default criteria is Closest, this was the default behavior previously
Bug Fixes
I think I got the sound fixed for the gem noise still happening if you have the sound muted. Let me know if it's not
Shrink ray not disappearing if the tower is destroyed
Fix for ad free people only getting 400 gems instead of 500. (Bumped to 600 for a while to make up for it)
Bomb no longer explodes on impact, it will only explode when it reaches its target. Otherwise the targeting for it is useless.
Saw Towers will now only split a ball once (This has to happen, the performance otherwise can get terrible. If I can optimize further, I'll revisit this)
Add gold per level upgrade now increases by 1% per level
Starting gold upgrade now gives 500 gold, limited to 2 levels
Ball shrink formula changes
Ball health is formatted now
Even more optimization
Better support for tablet resolutions (Ipad and stuff)
Performance mode now hides the health of the balls (turns out the constant resizing of the text is a huge performance drain)
reset is required
Fixes an issue where the game would sometimes crash at startup.
Required for the new light powerup.
Having to reset because of an update will now give 2000 gems if you reset on the notice. Doing a reset later won't give the gems.
Even more optimization
Acid tower has been nerfed for performance reasons
It's mainly because of it's constant damage and size
Max amount of towers has been reduced
Max damage has been increased
Max upgrade duration has been reduced
Range has been reduced
New light powerup
Get your pending upgrade points without a prestige.
Bug Fixes
Fix for shrink ray dark power not multiplying correctly.
More work on preventing the shrink ray from targeting random balls or shooting off the screen
Respec is required to use the new cash upgrades
After updating, if you encounter a green screen, it's because your text strings haven't updated yet. I'm working on a way to do this better in the future, but for now just make sure your game is saved to the cloud and then delete local data and then reload your cloud save.
The text strings are supposed to update daily, but if somehow it hasn't been a day for you, you might encounter this.
New permanent cash upgrade for endgame players with a lot of gold to burn
Made the disabled dark and light powerups a bit less darker
Dark powerups for towers with a countdown has changed
Once the countdown is reached, the timer won't reset until the tower crits
Game should run smoother at higher levels
Bug Fixes
Shrink ray points to the right should be fixed.
floating numbers not accounting for light powerup
Respec isn't required unless you want to take advantage of the money prestige upgrade changes.
Numbers float up from a ball when they die showing their earning. This is affected by performance mode.
Added a fire at the bottom of the screen. I just thought it looked nice, and someone suggested it might help indicate to new players where they want the balls to go.
The "Reduce current tower costs by 50%" light powerup now also cuts the cost of all the cash upgrades in half. The price increase isn't reduced however. That last part might change.
The upgrade that increases the money per level now increases the money by x level. So level one is plus 1 gold, 2 is 2 gold, 3 is 3 and so on.
Minor bug fixes
Some exceptions being thrown that weren't visible to the player.
Tower cash upgrade changes has been reverted. Cash upgrades apply to all towers again.
I know a lot of people wanted this, but it turned out to be a bit divisive. I also personally didn't enjoy it at all. I think it gets a bit tedious once you get later levels unlocked to have to click on every tower to upgrade them.
Costs for cash upgrades has been increased, but it's consistent across all towers now.
Bug fix for bomb tower doing too much damage
Bug fix for tower spot on level 7 causing issues
Adding a review prompt for players
I was pretty conflicted with this, I don't want to interrupt the game for players, but reviews really make it or break it for indie games.
Added a button to destroy towers
You won't get a refund, but you can build the tower somewhere else.
Cleared out targeting of disabled towers, I think some were keeping their target list, might explain the issue for the shrink ray acting weird.
Other minor bug fixes
All tower cash upgrades now only apply to the selected tower.
This is a breaking change. You must respec after updating. The towers won't work correctly until you do.
Cash upgrade prices have been adjusted.
Added some transparency to the header to see incoming balls
Moved the ball spawn points down a bit to reduce balls getting stuck
Dark Powerups have been revamped
All towers have a 10% chance to activate, some will have cooldowns, while others will increase their effectiveness.
Removing some dead code.
Code cleanup.
Additional logging to isolate bugs.
The text might be messed up until a proper release. This is because text is synchronized daily with a remote site. I'll have to release that when the game is ready to to go production. This can be a temporary reference until then.
Offline production has been revamped. You now automatically earn upgrade points equivalent to 15% of the most upgrade points you've earned in a single prestige.
Removed old offline upgrades, make sure to respec to get your upgrade points back.
A new popup will appear if you have updated the game but not done a respec. The respec resets your save file, so it's important that it matches what the code expects.
Level Select has been removed
From now on, you will need to flick the screen to change levels.
Added some more firebase logging, trying to isolate some bugs.
Added an information panel where the level select used to be.
Balancing (This is an ongoing thing and may be adjusted again later)
Bomb tower upgrade point damage reduced from 2 to 1.5
Gun tower upgrade point damage increased from .5 to 1
Saw tower upgrade point damage increased from .5 to 1
Acid tower adjustments
Base damage increased from .5 to 1
Cash damage upgrade increased from 2 to 3
Cash cost per upgrade reduced from 150 to 125
Saw tower adjustments
Cash cost per upgrade reduced from 150 to 125
Gem rewards for ads increased from 400 to 500
Added some text to the dark powerups to better indicate purchase amount
Adjusting the font sizes for specific languages.
French mostly, some Portuguese.
Fixed some German translations issues (Thanks Adrian!)
The work by Adrian has made me concerned that a lot of the translations are bad. If you notice obvious bad stuff, please let me know. I'm going to be ordering new translations in a few weeks.
Updating some assets
Changed the music. Halloween is over now :(
Offline resource adjustments
Max offline time is 24 hours
Fixed a bug around offline time while the game is paused vs closed.
When you unlock a tower, it's upgrades are added to the menu without having to close it.
Added 2 new achievements for shrinking ball amount
Offline production options have been added to the prestige menu.
Future balancing will probably occur around this.
Experimenting with some new optimization ideas. If the animations ever looked messed up, let me know
Adding localization for French, Chinese (Traditional), German, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish.
If you see any mistakes or text not showing for certain languages, let me know!
Added a language select in the settings menu.
Shrink ray fixed for real this time.
Formatting some of the numbers.
Minor balancing
Spelling mistake. (Ad not Add. Might not update immediately for existing players)
Fix for cloud save button being clickable before it's ready.
Working on cloud save on iOS.
Some bug fixes (internal errors dealing with object pooling)
Adjusted the shrink ray, should target better
Cost increase per upgrade point increased from 25 to 40. (This is a moving target here, it might change in the future)
Some UI fixes
Prestige mechanics have been adjusted, should be easier to get points now.
The empty tower spot has been adjusted so the cost isn't hidden behind the coin.
Trying to fix some resolution issues.
Ball values increase
Level 2 4 -> 5
Level 3 20 -> 25
A new UI - Let me know what you think please!
Levels have been adjusted to fit the new UI
Ball color changed as well
Bug fix where bullets would sometimes target balls in other levels
Bug fix where buying the new prestige upgrade with the multiple buy selected would only buy 1, but cost the multiple.
Ball values increased
Level 5 600 -> 700
Level 6 1200 -> 1500
Level 7 2800 -> 3200
Text formatting for high dps numbers
Acid affect no longer shows on balls when performance mode is on
Shrink rays will now stay on a single target once acquired until its shrunk.
Shrink ray dark powerup cooldown time increased from 1 second to 2 seconds
Balancing part 2, Electric Boogaloo
Gun tower cash upgrade double damage removed, replaced with a damage increase of 2
All the previous cash damage upgrades have been reduced to 2
A new prestige upgrade has been added, Tower Damage.
Each tower has an upgrade that will multiply the damage of the tower.
Fix for performance mode turning off after a respec.
More balancing
Acid Tower dark power increased from x2 damage to x5.
Gun cash upgrade max double damage reduce to 1 purchase
Bomb cash upgrade damage amount increased from 2 to 5
Electric cash upgrade damage max level increased from 10 to 20
Electric cash upgrade damage amount increased from 2 to 5
Shrink Ray cash upgrade damage increased from 2 to 3
Acid cash upgrade damage increased from 1 to 5
Saw cash upgrade damage increased from 1 to 3
Work started on some post release features to boost tower damage.
Decided to revert the ball health on level 6 & 7 back to the previous state.
Increased maxed gold purchases for most tower damage. (I think making the towers more powerful instead of the balls weaker is the way to go)
Going to add another permanent upgrade point option post release.
Performance mode button added.
Frame rate halved
No impact animations.
More might be added in the future
Backend work for localization done.
Bug fixes for iOS (In testflight now)
Reduced ball health for level 6 and 7.
Bug fix for buy amount (Thanks Natersalad)
Added a buy amount to upgrades. It might be buggy, let me know if you run into any issues please.
Fix for crash after gem ad. If you are still experiencing this, reach out to me.
New Level
New Achievements
Balancing around towers